
Showing posts with the label biodegradable

W124 - Engine Wiring Harness Replacement

Mercedes built from the year 1992 to 1997 was installed with an eco-friendly (degradable) wiring harness. The issue with this type of harness is that the insulation disintegrates and crumbles especially when exposed to heat. For the W124 model, it is safe to say that all cars built from the year 1992 onwards were marred with this issue, both petrol and diesel models. What is baffling is that Mercedes is aware of the issue but a safety recall was never issued to have the wiring harness replaced with a non-eco version. The intention of going green badly backfired as this issue introduces an array of problems on the car. The reason why this happens is that the insulation upon crumbling exposes the bare wire and when two or more of the bare wire touches one another, it messes up the communication to and from the ECU causing strange behaviors and in more serious cases, it causes fire. This issue was covered in length in the following links: http://www.mercedesdefects...