
Showing posts from October, 2021

That Annoying Mild Buzz On The Steering - Monitoring

While I have closed the entry on vibration, I did mark that while the issue has reduced, it wasn't gone. Rhino drives great now, the springs have also settled down after the initial 3 weeks break-in period. It will need the wheel works soon with the new springs installed, only the alignment, castor, and camber alignment.  I took the car in to get the road force balancing done and with the exception of 5g off a wheel, all other wheels needed no rectification. A quick look under the car again saw no visible issues. I am rationalizing the mild buzz that I am getting: Buzz starts from 65kmh (40mph) Buzz is felt on steering and seats Buzz is not felt on the dash, pillar trims, door trims, sun visor At 65kmh, the buzz is felt, at 70 buzz is at its peak, at 75 buzzes reduces back to what it felt at 65kmh Buzz is felt when the car is in motion and engine speed of 1800rpm onwards Buzz is felt on and off-gas, accelerating and decelerating When speed goes below 65kmh, buzz disappears again So...